Couple Tools Page

How to create couple dashboard menu and page of content.

Hello everyone,

If you are developer or you wish to create custom couple tools menu + pages. you can use this code in your functions.php file and start new page.

Thank you.

 *  WeddingDir - Couple Dashboard Page
 *  ----------------------------------
if( ! class_exists( 'WeddingDir_Couple_Dashboard_Page' ) && class_exists( 'WeddingDir_Config' ) ){

     *  WeddingDir - Couple Dashboard Page
     *  ----------------------------------
    class WeddingDir_Couple_Dashboard_Page extends WeddingDir_Config{

         *  Member Variable
         *  ---------------
        private static $instance;

         *  Initiator
         *  ---------
        public static function get_instance() {
            if ( ! isset( self::$instance ) ) {

                self::$instance = new self;

            return self::$instance;

         *  Menu Name
         *  ---------
        public static function menu_name(){

            return      esc_attr__( 'Couple Menu', 'text-domain' );

         *  Menu Slug
         *  ---------
        public static function menu_slug(){

            return      sanitize_title( 'couple-menu' );

         *  Menu Icon
         *  ---------
        public static function menu_icon(){

            return      esc_attr( 'weddingdir-budget' );

         *  Construct
         *  ---------
        public function __construct() {

             *  Create Menu
             *  -----------
            add_filter( 'weddingdir/couple/dashboard/menu', [ $this, 'couple_menu' ], absint( '40' ), absint( '1' ) );

             *  Create Page
             *  -----------
            add_action( 'weddingdir/couple-dashboard', [ $this, 'dashboard_page' ], absint( '40' ), absint( '1' ) );

         *  Create Menu
         *  -----------
        public static function couple_menu( $args = [] ){

             *  Menu Name
             *  ---------
            $menu_name              =         self:: menu_name();

             *  Menu Slug
             *  ---------
            $menu_slug              =         self:: menu_slug();

             *  Menu Icon
             *  ---------
            $menu_icon              =         self:: menu_icon();

             *  Merge Menu Object
             *  -----------------
            return      array_merge( $args, [  $menu_slug   =>   [

                            'menu_show'         =>      apply_filters( sprintf( 'weddingdir/couple-menu/%1$s/menu-show', $menu_slug ), true ),

                            'menu_class'        =>      apply_filters( sprintf( 'weddingdir/couple-menu/%1$s/menu-class', $menu_slug ), '' ),

                            'menu_id'           =>      apply_filters( sprintf( 'weddingdir/couple-menu/%1$s/menu-id', $menu_slug ), true ),

                            'menu_name'         =>      apply_filters( sprintf( 'weddingdir/couple-menu/%1$s/menu-name', $menu_slug ), $menu_name ),

                            'menu_icon'         =>      apply_filters( sprintf( 'weddingdir/couple-menu/%1$s/menu-icon', $menu_slug ), $menu_icon ),

                            'menu_active'       =>      parent:: dashboard_page_set( $menu_slug )  ?  sanitize_html_class( 'active' )  :  null,

                            'menu_link'         =>      apply_filters(  'weddingdir/couple-menu/page-link', esc_attr( $menu_slug )  )

                        ] ] );

         *  Create Page
         *  -----------
        public static function dashboard_page( $args = [] ){

             *  Have Args
             *  ---------
            if( parent:: _is_array( $args ) ){

                 *  Extract
                 *  -------
                extract( wp_parse_args( $args,[

                    'layout'        =>      absint( '1' ),

                    'post_id'       =>      '',

                    'page'          =>      ''

                ] ) );

                 *  Make sure this page is couple dashboard page
                 *  --------------------------------------------
                if( ! empty( $page ) && $page == esc_attr( self:: menu_slug() )  ){

                    ?><div class="container"><?php

                         *  2.1 Load Title
                         *  --------------
                        printf('<div class="section-title">

                                    <div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">

                                        <h2 class="mb-xxl-0 mb-xl-0 mb-lg-0 mb-md-0 mb-sm-0 mb-3">%1$s</h2>


                                 *  1. Title
                                 *  --------
                                self:: menu_name()


    } /* class end **/

    *  Kicking this off by calling 'get_instance()' method
    *  ---------------------------------------------------
    WeddingDir_Couple_Dashboard_Page:: get_instance();

After this code used in your function file you will get same layout in vendor dashboard.

Last updated