Couple User
WeddingDir Product - Couple Configuration Process Flow.
Last updated
WeddingDir Product - Couple Configuration Process Flow.
Last updated
Hello everyone,
This is the most important task for couple registration after which steps to access data.
If WeddingDir product to registration couple we can completed process 100% connection with access database.
If in case, couple role have not assign the access database ids so i will provided the alert to understanding which couple have not properly configuration.
First of all, you can select couple role at top of showing list after you can all couple user on your website.
After you can easier to show list of couple not configuration properly.
If you can see this issue, you can copy (username) for example couple goto Couple Post Type and find out your couple post name and check this post have updated email ID ?
If you can find out this name post then you can create couple post and updated post name with email id after couple configuration task is done.
If you can see this issue, you can copy (username) for example couple goto Real Wedding Post Type and find out your couple post name and check this post have updated email ID ?
If you can find out this name post then you can create real wedding post and updated post name with email id after couple configuration task is done.
If you can see this issue, you can copy (username) for example couple goto Wedding Website Post Type and find out your couple post name and check this post have updated email ID ?
If you can find out this name post then you can create website post and updated post name with email id after couple configuration task is done.